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Restaurants, Cafes & Pubs

This range of policies is designed to meet your needs as owner of a hospitality business.

Whilst these are a packaged product they are more tailored to the needs of any business working in the hospitality sector and will cover not only your Fixtures and Fittings but also your liability should a claim be made against you for injury whilst on-premises or food poisoning, for example.


Cover is also included as standard for a lot of industry specific needs such as Goods in Transit, Money Cover, Frozen Food and Glass and Signs but has the flexibility to be increased in areas where you need more cover such as Business Interruption should you be unable to trade following a claim that is covered by the Policy.

This package can cater for anything from small Sandwich Shops to large Restaurants and Public Houses that open extended licenced hours.

This type of Policy can also cater for higher-risk locations such as Takeaways and Fish and Chip Shops where a Deep Fat Frying Range is in place.

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